Tuesday 3 February 2015


Arrived in Tainan around 1 pm, no problem. Had no real idea of where to stay. It felt good just to be on the road again.  My theme for the day is to see everyone as myself.   Of course they look different,  but it's just a disguise - we're all the same being looking out at our own multi faceted reflections.  People say that Anping is interesting so I asked directions and waited for the #2 bus, and waited, and waited.  So many busses! Finally it arrived and took me on a lengthy half hour tour of the city.  I could have made the entire trip in that time by walking.  Never mind, the city seems more relaxing than Taizhong.  Traffic is slower and buildings are a bit smaller.  Anping has a 17th century Dutch fort made of brick.  It's right next to the huge, ornate temple to Matsu.  I took a selfie. Went into the tourist info centre.  Talked to a very helpful young man who informed me that there are no hostels because the govt does not recognize them. (Quite false info; there are lots) He did succeed in phoning one  and procured a taxi for me.  The taxi took me to the hostel which is located all the way back at the railway station.
I'm quite delighted to be limping along with my atrocious command of mandarin.  It's not pretty but I seem to be communicating so much better than before.  Many people speak english about as well, or badly,  as I speak mandarin.  This results in a creative, humorous  mixture that seems greater than the sum of its parts.  More reflections of the single being, talking to itself.

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