Thursday 29 January 2015

I have settled into a comfortable routine in Taizhong.  Half an hour peaceful morning meditation.  Then I buy the Taipei Times and read it over coffee and breakfast at a little nearby shop where they already know me.  Useful since the ordering of food is done by selecting options in Traditional characters.
 I go back to the hostel, check email, etc and study for my afternoon lesson.  Sometimes I chat with people in the hostel: people have come through from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Germany and of course Taiwan.  I have a class from 1 to 4 with four other students (from France, Belgium, Korea and Estonia) and a variety of teachers.  Its very intense, but we ARE learning Mandarin.
After class I take a cup of 7/11 coffee to the park and relax.  There are several good options for dinner; mostly I eat Taiwanese,but occasionally I have a Subway sandwich. Evenings are filled with things like email, FB, watching movies and conversation.  Sometimes I study some more.  I have a really good book - Wool by Hugh Howie.
Behind all of this there is a deep sense of peace - the busy world swirling around me.  Nothing calls to me very strongly. There's neither strong craving nor much aversion.  Its as if the Mandarin language and characters have the effect of scouring my neurons encouraging me to take a break from thought and just let it all go.  There's sunshine, wind and traffic noise.  I stroll through the wilderness of the world looking at everything around me with benign curiosity.
Yesterday I had quite an adventure - contacted the Taizhong Toastmasters founded in 1984.  Took a taxi to the meeting - Wenxin Road section 2, no.598 B1.  Had no idea what I would find or even if I'd be able to find the location.

which is probably why I am now planning to move.

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